
Monday, August 8, 2011

dear august

dear August,


I am so happy you are finally here. 
July was.....well......kind of a disappointment. 
She was WAAAAY too hot. (doesn't help that we live in the armpit of hell..)
August, I hope you have better weather in store for me. You were so wonderful to me today with your gorgeous monsoon. Try and push your PMS aside and be cheerful. Unlike your sister June.

I decided to make a little list of all the fun things I want to do while you are here, so you know what to expect. Thanks August, I think we'll have fun together. 


August 2011 Wish List
-Go camping. I am going stir crazy!!! must. get. up north. soon. hopefully very soon.
 - Enjoy more bountiful baskets. hardly ever disappointed.
-Early morning runs. As much as I hate waking up early,and hate running. I think it's time we, running and i, became better friends.
-Eat a fresh summer fruit. yum.
-Taking the Molly to the park. we miss it.
- Play house with some lovely children.
-Enjoy minimal doctor appointments.
- Watch the lbs. continue to fall off as I enjoy healthy foods. smile.
-Find some extra snuggle time with the Mister.
-Do one of our favorite things:

what do YOU want to do in August?

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